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Efficient, Effective, & Experienced
Traffic Point Reduction Attorneys

Vehicle & Traffic Law

Have a pending traffic ticket before any of the below-listed Courts?

Then you're in the right place, and point reduction is our goal for you.


Call 888 - Mike (6453) to speak with someone from Mike Law Offices about getting your ticket reduced today! Taking care of these tickets is all about being prompt, reasonable, and respectful of the Court. Let Mike Law do all the work for you so you can avoid the time and hassle.

The following are the primary Courts we have experience in. However, we have reduced traffic tickets in a broad range of Courts throughout Upstate, Western, and Central New York.

We have experience fighting and reducing speeding tickets and many other VTL infractions in the following counties: Monroe County, Erie County, Niagara County, Steuben County, and Allegany County, in addition to many more.

If you want to avoid points on your license, higher fines, and even increased insurance payments, then give Mike Law a call at 585-888-6453.

Times Square Building

45 Exchange Blvd., 4th Floor

Rochester, New York 14614


O:  585.944.5444 

F: 585.222.6453 (MIKE)


Law Office of Michael T.  Pattison

Attorney Advertising.  Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.  Legal Disclaimer

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